Full Awards Ceremony: [TRT ~ 45 min]
Recap: [TRT ~ 5 min]
Perry G. Flicker Award Recipient [TRT ~ 1 min]
S.T.A.R. Foundation – Don’t Stay Silent: [TRT ~ 1 min]
9th Annual Nonprofit Alliance of Monterey County Awards Ceremony
The 9th Annual Nonprofit Alliance of Monterey County Awards Ceremony, recognized Outstanding Agencies and Unsung Heroes on Friday, September 30 at the Monterey Beach Station. NAMC is built on the foundation of connection and collaboration, as a means of succeeding. Here, we recognized those within our community that embody the values we so strongly admire. Monterey County is built upon the selfless acts of those supporting nonprofit organizations – thank you to all of you who attended! Deep appreciation to everyone involved in the nonprofit sector for your incredible service to our wonderful community.
NAMC Founder Joe Grainger (Executive Director of Harden Foundation) was our wonderful emcee and Monterey County Supervisor, Luis Alejo, presented The Perry G. Flicker Leadership Award to Dr. Edgar and Esther Castellanos for their pioneering service in treating and preventing addiction. NAMC Leadership Team Members Ceci Romero and Yadira Sandoval Hobby presented Outstanding Agency Awards to S.T.A.R. Foundation (Arts and Culture), Read to Me Project (Youth Development), Meals on Wheels of the Salinas Valley (Health and Human Services), Veterans Transition Center (Social Services) and Unsung Hero Awards to Tanya Kosta – All-In Monterey (Innovative Idea), Rachel Saunders – Big Sur Land Trust (Leadership), and Anjanette Love – Gathering for Women Monterey (Achievement).
As NAMC Awards Chair Deanna Pond notes, “It’s always thrilling to offer our hard-working guests a great program featuring performances by Michael Martinez and Amber Guzman. This year it was also a great pleasure to celebrate in such a beautiful and fun new venue. Plus, twenty guests (randomly selected of course!) went home with original glass art by Shelby Hawthorne!”
Nonprofit Alliance of Monterey County supports, promotes and leverages the impact of each and all nonprofits. Our motto is “ Connect, Collaborate, Succeed.”
To learn more visit: alliancemonterey.org
or Contact Executive Director, Paulette Lynch: (831) 206-2588 | namccommittees@gmail.com
Watch the Awards Ceremony Recap!
Salute to Our Nominees / Outstanding Organizations
Meals on Wheels of Salinas Valley
Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula
S.T.A.R. Foundation
Veterans Transition Center of California
Salute to Our Nominees / Unsung Heroes
Carol Bishop, Kinship Center
Ken Collins, Elkhorn Slough Foundation
Amy Entwisle, Gateway Center of Monterey County
Dr. Chris Hasegawa, Monterey Peninsula Voices
Tanya Kosta, All in Monterey
Eric Johnsen, Community Homeless Solutions
Evens Lanot, Loaves, Fishes and Computers
Jacqueline Leon, Loaves, Fishes and Computers
Anjanette Love, Gathering for Women Monterey
Gillian Renteria, Community Human Services
John Rexine, Monterey Museum of Art
Rachel Saunders, Big Sur Land Trust
Justice & Social Services
Veteran Transition Center of Monterey County
Health & Human Services
Meals on Wheels of Salinas Valley
Youth Development
Arts & Culture
S.T.A.R Foundation
Unsung Heroes
INNOVATION: Tanya Kosta, All in Monterey
ACHIEVEMENT: Anjanette Love, Gathering for Women Monterey
LEADERSHIP: Rachel Saunders, Big Sur Land Trust
Perry G. Flicker Award

Dr. Edgar & Esther Castellano
The winner of the 2022 Perry G. Flicker Award is an outstanding couple that have both done the work of a lifetime serving our community, Dr. Edgar and Esther Castellanos. They have been pioneers in the drug treatment and addiction recovery industry for over 37 years, promoting harm reduction and providing life saving treatments. Their work has improved and saved thousands of lives and we are honored to celebrate this years Perry G. Flicker Award winners, Dr. Edgar and Esther Castellanos! Learn more about their outstanding efforts for treatment and recovery in Dr. Castellanos recent webinar.
See Their Award Acceptance Speech Below ↓
NAMC proudly recognizes all nominees and recipients for their outstanding work through their organizations and in our community. The 9th Annual NAMC Awards Ceremony was filmed and produced by House of 8 Media.