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Monterey, CA

Ecology Day Conference by ESRAG

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About the Event
Rotary International and ESRAG created this virtual conference to coincide with, and highlight the events of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

The COP26 summit brought parties and observers together to assess progress towards meeting the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement, and commit to higher ambition to keep global warming below an additional 1.5 degrees celsius – a more demanding goal than the 2.0 degrees max warming.

Rotary International’s nearly 46,500 Rotary and Rotaract clubs with a network of 1.4 million community and business leaders, scientists and problem-solvers, actively serve communities in 190 countries. Rotary empowers people to take measurable action to protect the environment with informed, sustainable and community-based solutions across the globe; and to prevent and address the causes and impacts of climate change.

JOIN ESRAG at to CONNECT and TAKE ACTION to protect the Environment for a sustainable future.

Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group:
Thank You to those Involved
ESRAG (Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group)
Rotary International
Cupertino Rotary Club
Karen Kendrick, Cofounder of ESRAG
Vicki Puliz, Rotary International Director
Yavuz Atila
Melanie Wallace
Kerry Emanuel
John Mathers
Jonathan Foley, PhD
Lori Cloutier
Luc Arvisais
Robert McCormick
Carlos Montaya
Deniz Vural
Ember Carrera
Mauricio Fajardo
  • Virtual Event : Ecology Day Conference by ESRAG